The following news will be welcomed by all supporters and reporters of matchday news at Treyew Road. The details below are not ideas or thoughts but things that have been completed, all of which will be welcomed.
In the bar area, several improvements include:
- New lighting
- A new speaker system
- Sky TV fully operational, but also linked in to the above.
- Bar facilities now open every day from 4.30pm til late. Matchday from 12 noon.
- All drinks £2.50 until end of March 2013, (which will be reviewed then).
- New kitchen facilities
- Vastly improved (and maintained) cleanliness in the toilet areas (long overdue and very welcome) and obvious cleanliness in the bar area.
Away from the bar, improvements outside include:
- Repair and re-opening of the covered stand at the Council end.
- Removal of the unsightly and derelict caravan (now at Bissoe dump).
- and replaced by the Matchday Experience Centre.
- The old office now assumes the role of Media Centre.
- Replacement of the defunct PA system, including new cabling (long overdue).
- The car park will include a Car Wash providing a regular rental income stream.
- The popular lorry park and associated income stream benefits will resume once more.
Football Club management changes:
Mark Brent assumes role of Ground Facilities Manager.
Gary Pascoe, Reserves Manager, assumes a new role of Football Development Manager.
A new Matchday Manager appointment is to be made imminently.
The Kit Manager position is still vacant and is urgently needed to be filled.
Finally, on the last Thursday every month, there will be an Officials only, meeting of the Football Development Committee.
This is just the beginning of the positive start to the new era. There are many more ideas in the pipeline.
29 December 2012
A trip down Memory Lane, courtesy Stewart Yetton. By Mike Truscott.
The following text has been republished here by kind permission of Mike Truscott. Additional images by Steve Rogers. This is the perfect pick-me-up for those of you who are getting upset by the cancellation of three games on the bounce!
Rotten luck on the weather front once more, so as a little diversion how about a trip down Memory Lane, courtesy of the one and only STEWART YETTON? It's nearly six years now since the greatest moment in the club's history. Here's an opportunity to relive some of that Wembley magic through the eyes of Yettsi, one of the heroes of the day!
I'm currently developing a spin-off business from my mainstream Golden Replay Biographies. This will be a new service expressly designed for sports stars, past and present. To this end, I am working with Stewart to create a "dummy" book for marketing imagery purposes. I have ghost-written an autobiographical chapter for him recalling City's FA Vase triumph in 2007.
The final was on a Sunday – May 13, 2007 – and we were very much a part
Rotten luck on the weather front once more, so as a little diversion how about a trip down Memory Lane, courtesy of the one and only STEWART YETTON? It's nearly six years now since the greatest moment in the club's history. Here's an opportunity to relive some of that Wembley magic through the eyes of Yettsi, one of the heroes of the day!
I'm currently developing a spin-off business from my mainstream Golden Replay Biographies. This will be a new service expressly designed for sports stars, past and present. To this end, I am working with Stewart to create a "dummy" book for marketing imagery purposes. I have ghost-written an autobiographical chapter for him recalling City's FA Vase triumph in 2007.
The final was on a Sunday – May 13, 2007 – and we were very much a part
of history, and not just for ourselves as record-breakers for Cornish football.
All the talk just then was of the “new Wembley.” The fabulous new stadium
was hosting its first final – for the FA Trophy – on the Saturday and ours, for
the FA Vase, followed 24 hours later.
We actually travelled up to London two days ahead of our dream match with
AFC Totton. Everyone – the squad, club directors and officials, and various
others – had to meet in Truro at around 8 a.m. on the Friday. Usually, for
away games, the boys would make their own way to Exeter and get on the
coach there, but this was different, of course. I came down by car from
Plymouth with my lifelong buddy and team-mate Marcus Martin, who was
doing the driving. We’ve been playing football together since we were 10 or
11. We were at Argyle together and we’re always room-mates when we’re
staying overnight ahead of a match.
When we reached Truro, we stopped first at Tesco to stock up with fluids and
sweets. We were wearing our Truro City tracksuits and it seemed everybody
knew us and was talking about us! In Tesco, I remember the staff and
customers coming up to us and wishing us well for Wembley. And the coach
was something else. It was a different era then and we were incredibly
privileged to be part of a club where money seemed to be no object. We
always had a great coach to travel away on anyway, but this one gave new
meaning to luxury. It had the lot – truly “top of the range,” with Playstations,
TV, super seats, tables and a kitchen at the back.
It took us straight to Wembley, where we arrived around the middle of the day.
The stadium officials had invited us in to have a walk around and get a feel of
the place – and WHAT a place! It was only about 60 yards between the
coach and the ground. We got out and straightaway we could see a section
of the lush green pitch and the red seats on the other side. And then there we
all were – walking on this famous turf and taking in the vast tiers of
accommodation all around us. Wow, was that an exciting moment. Words
can scarcely describe it. It just took our breath away.
We must have spent a good hour just walking around that pitch, taking it all in,
and then climbing up the steps towards the level where we were already
picturing ourselves lifting that trophy two days later. Talk about photo
opportunities. Our cameras never stopped clicking! There was a terrific
atmosphere in the place even then, with Madonna constantly playing over the
PA system. The excitement level was unbelievable – but I was also aware of
a little bit of fear creeping in. I was beginning to think: “What if we LOSE on
Sunday? It could be the worst day of my life instead of the greatest.”
Then it was on to our hotel, which was another last-word-in-luxury affair on
the outskirts of London. It was bags down and into our rooms. The food here
was so good – and with everything you could possibly ask for – that it was
difficult not to make ourselves suddenly overweight for the Sunday!
Next day, the Saturday, we had a light training session at Bisham Abbey, the
training base for many great sports teams over the years, including the
legendary Barcelona football squad. It’s got loads of soccer pitches and we
learnt that the Russian Under-19 team were there at the same time. There
was a big lake, with crews rowing up and down, and a nice golf course.
Our own training session was definitely what you would call “light.” Normally,
when we train on Tuesdays and Thursdays, it can all get pretty competitive
and we can end up crashing into each other. This time, no-one was in the
market for over-exertion and risking injury just before the biggest match of
their lives! Poor old Glyn Hooper – a fellow striker and assistant coach with
our manager Dave Leonard – was already suffering the heartbreak of missing
the game through suspension.
Back in the hotel that afternoon, we watched the FA Trophy Final live on Sky
Sports TV. We also saw the weather forecast – which told us that it was likely
to be wet for our own match. It was sunny and warm on the Saturday, and
one of the facilities we enjoyed at the hotel was the outdoor hot tub! It also
had a gym and sauna area. The hotel had beautiful grounds and overlooked
a massive lake.
That evening we played cards in the foyer and the rule was that we at least
had to be in our bedrooms – even if we couldn’t be fast asleep! – by 10 p.m.
Me and Marcus are renowned for being last to bed, and there was no way we
were going to get to sleep quickly on this of all nights. So there we were,
sitting on our beds with our laptops open and watching the TV. I think we
eventually got to sleep around 1 a.m.!
We put our alarms on for 9.30 a.m. but we were both awake well before then.
I’m the joker in the squad, so I straightaway ran round the bedroom screaming
my head off; then I grabbed hold of Marcus and said something like: “C’mon,
boy, today’s the day!”
I had a “bit of breakfast” (well, actually, it was a big fry-up!) and around 11-ish
we had our lunch – chicken pasta and beans. We also watched an
inspirational DVD which I think had been put together by Piran Films. It was a
compilation of highlights from all our games on our way to Wembley and was
accompanied by motivational music and voice-over. That was a spine-tingling
thing – hairs standing up on the back of your neck – I can tell you.
Before we left the hotel, we had pep talks from Kevin Heaney and Chris Webb
as well as Lenny and Hoops. And then it all really started to hit us. We
showered up and put our smart new suits on. We were all dressed the same
– even had brand new shoes. As I say, different era. (I don’t think “credit
crunch” was even on the horizon then, although not far off it, and certainly
“austerity” was just another word in the dictionary.)
We did each other’s ties up – Marcus doing mine and me doing the finishing
touches on his. We looked fabulously smart. They were really great suits –
we had all been measured up for them three weeks earlier. Then it was out of
Reception and onto the coach – and more photos.
The trip to Wembley, in the drizzle, was about half an hour. When we got
there, the sight of fans with their scarves and hats already milling about the
place brought it all home to us – once more. It had been a bit of a slow crawl
towards the end, with lots of police around, too, and our fans immediately
began clapping, cheering and chanting once they saw us. It was brilliant –
and a just a little bit nerve-wracking!
We arrived in the stadium at about 1.15 – and walked out on to the pitch once
more, in the classic Wembley final fashion. I remember I was the only player
intelligent enough to have brought a brolly with me – so picture the scene if
you can, with six or seven other players all trying to get desperately close to
me to share that brolly and stop their lovely suits getting wet!
The changing rooms were massive. There was also a warm-up area and
from there, through the doors, I could see my daughter Shannon, then aged
six. We were all accompanied hand-in-hand by little mascots, wearing mini-
Truro City shirts, when we eventually walked out on to the pitch for real, and
mine was Shannon, with her blonde hair and starry blue eyes. I had heard my
name read out, as Truro’s No 9, plus seen the team line-ups on the giant
I am pretty sure it was Shannon’s first-ever football match – what a way to
start, eh! She’s now 12 and is playing the game regularly in Durham, where
she lives. It was a very touching experience, I can tell you, to be standing
there with my little girl on the Wembley pitch while the National Anthem was
played. I also knew that Laura, with my son Corradi just two weeks away
from birth, was up there in the stands – along with many other family and
The match itself? I remember putting one over the bar, but Totton took the
lead and I can still see their scorer running the length of the field back to his
own supporters at the other end, in celebration. We were very aware that one
part of the crowd were going wild with delight and I guess the scale of the
challenge really hit us at this point. I thought: “Oh Christ, we’ve really got our
work cut out here.” Truth to tell, we were a bit off the pace in that first half.
Totton were “first to start,” as they say, but our Kevin Wills equalized just
before the interval and the match, and our spirits, were transformed.
That was the best possible time to equalize, of course. It took us in on a high
at half-time – and Totton the exact opposite. As we returned to the field, you
could see the resolve in all our eyes. The mood now was: no way are we
going to lose this one!
I thought we dominated the second half and certainly got our just rewards
when Willser scored his second, around the 66
th minute. But then this fear
celebrations . . .
factor thing started to kick in again. In a situation like that, you’ve always got
conflicting thoughts – do you concentrate on defending what you’ve got or do
you go all out for a third, “killer” goal? It’s very easy to sit back and go into
negative mode, and I can’t deny I kept looking at the clock!
Fortunately, Joe Broad, another of my ex-Argyle mates, came up with a third
goal for us on around 84 minutes and that clinched it. It killed off the “fear.” I
had not scored – something of a rarity for me, you might say – but I would
much rather be on the winning side and not score, than vice versa. If I had
scored but we had lost, there’s no doubt in my mind that it would have been
the worst day of my sporting life, instead of the best.
The final whistle was not long away. Legs were going, I was cramping – safe
to say, we had probably burnt up more energy than normal! When that
whistle did blow, it was a huge relief and incredible joy, with a massive
adrenalin rush. We were the first Step 6 team ever to win the Vase (and had
done it against a team higher than us, at Step 5).
We were diving and dancing all over the place, and then it was time to walk
up those steps and collect the trophy. Skipper Tom Smith kissed it and raised
it high in the air – to enormous cheers from our fans. That was the most
incredible moment – amazing scenes and emotions. It was the sort of
moment every footballer dreams of from the time he starts kicking a ball
around as a kid – and for most, of course, it remains just that, a dream. But
for me, my dream had come true. And now it was time to start the
celebrations . . .
28 December 2012
Weston Super Mare game cancelled
According to Twitter sources, the game on Saturday 29th Dec has sadly been cancelled due to the obvious severe weather forecast.
Not only is this a real inconvenience for the players to have to play on Tuesday nights, but this means a real loss in potential revenue for the Club.
Not only is this a real inconvenience for the players to have to play on Tuesday nights, but this means a real loss in potential revenue for the Club.
City Alerts and the Dorchester Manager accusations
TEAM NEWS for tomorrow's match at home to WESTON-SUPER-MARE, kick-off 3pm.
BOBBY HOPKINSON one-match suspension, five yellow cards pre-December 31. JAKE ASH (broken thumb) sore but okay to play. TODD HANRAHAN may join squad again if Ivybridge Town v Tavistock postponed in Carlsberg Peninsula South Western League. LUKE McCORMICK hopefully fully recovered from sickness earlier in week (pre-Boxing Day). Squad: Luke McCormick, Calron Hall, Jake Ash, Lee Hodges, Ben Williams, Joe Broad, Marcus Martin, Cody Cooke, Les Afful, Andy Watkins, Kieffer Moore, Barry Hayles, Martin Watts.
NEW DATES for home match against Dorchester and visit to Salisbury City not yet fixed.
Lee has refuted a Dorset Echo report quoting DORCHESTER MANAGER Phil Simkin as claiming that Truro "put intense pressure" on referee Mark Pottage to allow the Boxing Day fixture to go ahead:-Link here> Dorset Echo
Phil Simkin was quoted by Echosport as saying:
Speaking to Echosport after the Magpies’ frustrating Boxing Day afternoon, he said: “I can’t think of a game I’ve been involved in that has been called off that late.
“I have to say the referee was being put under a lot of pressure by Truro to play the game but nothing surprises me where they are concerned.
“He had no choice because the pitch was under water. He made the right decision but it’s just the way it came about that’s annoying.
“The weather forecast was pretty straight forward – it was going to hammer down with rain.
“The referee nearly called it off earlier in the day but waited until 2pm and it was quite obvious it couldn’t be played.
“We were on the pitch warming-up and it was lashing down. I was just about to go out there and the referee came and said it was off about 20 minutes before.
“Everyone was out there drenched and covered in mud after the warm-up and at that stage we were just ready to play.
He continued: “I have absolutely no sympathy with Truro for wanting to get the game on in that way.
“The referee is experienced and I’ve known him for many years but he was put under intense pressure. I thought he dealt with it brilliantly and made the right decision.
Lee's reply:
"I was flabbergasted when I read this," says Lee. "There was never any pressure of any kind put on the ref. I had all of two very brief conversations with him. First, I handed the team sheet into him in the dressing room at 2 pm, in the company of the Dorchester manager. I asked 'game on?' and the ref said 'yes, unless more rain.' Then of course the heavens opened and the ref came out for another inspection as we were warming up. As he walked off, I asked him for his decision and he said the game was now off, and that was it. I have checked with Tracey and I have absolutely no idea how this guy came to think we had put any kind of pressure on the ref. It just isn't true."
UPCOMING FIXTURES (all League): Tues, Jan 1, away to Dorchester, 3 pm; Sat, Jan 5, away to Welling, 3 pm; Sat, Jan 12, home to Billericay, 3 pm; Sat, Jan 19, away to Sutton United, 3 pm; Tues, Jan 22, away to Eastleigh, 7.45 pm; Sat, Jan 26, home to Chelmsford, 3 pm.
BOBBY HOPKINSON one-match suspension, five yellow cards pre-December 31. JAKE ASH (broken thumb) sore but okay to play. TODD HANRAHAN may join squad again if Ivybridge Town v Tavistock postponed in Carlsberg Peninsula South Western League. LUKE McCORMICK hopefully fully recovered from sickness earlier in week (pre-Boxing Day). Squad: Luke McCormick, Calron Hall, Jake Ash, Lee Hodges, Ben Williams, Joe Broad, Marcus Martin, Cody Cooke, Les Afful, Andy Watkins, Kieffer Moore, Barry Hayles, Martin Watts.
NEW DATES for home match against Dorchester and visit to Salisbury City not yet fixed.
Lee has refuted a Dorset Echo report quoting DORCHESTER MANAGER Phil Simkin as claiming that Truro "put intense pressure" on referee Mark Pottage to allow the Boxing Day fixture to go ahead:-Link here> Dorset Echo
Phil Simkin was quoted by Echosport as saying:
Speaking to Echosport after the Magpies’ frustrating Boxing Day afternoon, he said: “I can’t think of a game I’ve been involved in that has been called off that late.
“I have to say the referee was being put under a lot of pressure by Truro to play the game but nothing surprises me where they are concerned.
“He had no choice because the pitch was under water. He made the right decision but it’s just the way it came about that’s annoying.
“The weather forecast was pretty straight forward – it was going to hammer down with rain.
“We were on the pitch warming-up and it was lashing down. I was just about to go out there and the referee came and said it was off about 20 minutes before.
“Everyone was out there drenched and covered in mud after the warm-up and at that stage we were just ready to play.
He continued: “I have absolutely no sympathy with Truro for wanting to get the game on in that way.
“The referee is experienced and I’ve known him for many years but he was put under intense pressure. I thought he dealt with it brilliantly and made the right decision.
“It was a long way for us to go and obviously it’s going to cost us money and we’ll have to go back there one Tuesday night in the new year.”
Lee's reply:
"I was flabbergasted when I read this," says Lee. "There was never any pressure of any kind put on the ref. I had all of two very brief conversations with him. First, I handed the team sheet into him in the dressing room at 2 pm, in the company of the Dorchester manager. I asked 'game on?' and the ref said 'yes, unless more rain.' Then of course the heavens opened and the ref came out for another inspection as we were warming up. As he walked off, I asked him for his decision and he said the game was now off, and that was it. I have checked with Tracey and I have absolutely no idea how this guy came to think we had put any kind of pressure on the ref. It just isn't true."
UPCOMING FIXTURES (all League): Tues, Jan 1, away to Dorchester, 3 pm; Sat, Jan 5, away to Welling, 3 pm; Sat, Jan 12, home to Billericay, 3 pm; Sat, Jan 19, away to Sutton United, 3 pm; Tues, Jan 22, away to Eastleigh, 7.45 pm; Sat, Jan 26, home to Chelmsford, 3 pm.
27 December 2012
TISA MEMBER'S MEETING 12:30 at Railway Club this Saturday 29th December.
TISA members: please make every effort to attend this meeting as we have an important decision to make which involves us all.
TISA members: please make every effort to attend this meeting as we have an important decision to make which involves us all.
City look to the future after a year of drama
Source: West Briton
EVEN in Truro City's recent turbulent history, 2012 has been quite extraordinary.
And perhaps the most remarkable fact is that the club
is still in existence as we go into 2013 and is still competing at Step 2 of the Pyramid System.
This year has seen the departure of controversial chairman Kevin Heaney, who was declared bankrupt, the club face several winding up orders, go into administration and on at least two occasions be just minutes away from being liquidated.
But now with new owners in Truro businessmen Pete Masters and Philip Perryman, City's fans can hopefully contemplate a less fraught new year.
Of course there is still a huge amount of work to be done at Treyew Road, but there is at least now cause for some optimism, even if it would take a near miracle to prevent the club surviving in Blue Square Bet South.
The ten point deduction imposed for the club going into administration is a millstone around the club's hopes of staying up, but all is not yet lost.
If the transfer embargo can be lifted, sooner rather than later, then Lee Hodges and his squad will have half a chance of escaping the drop.
Full credit to Hodges and his painfully small squad for sticking with the club when it would have been much easier to walk away and join much more stable clubs
Without their loyalty and commitment to keeping the club going in such difficult times, the club's demise would have been near certain.
Stewart Yetton has already passed 300 games
for the club and Joe Broad (294), Jake Ash (283) and Marcus Martin and Andy Watkins, who are both on 275, are rapidly approaching that milestone.
That kind of loyalty has also been replicated off the pitch with supporters
rallying around and people like secretary Tracey Finemore, who had given up a good job to come to Treyew Road, continuing to work without pay.
And hopefully now that sort of dedication will reap its just rewards in 2013, though of course only time will tell.
But one thing you can be sure of is that it won't be dull.
EVEN in Truro City's recent turbulent history, 2012 has been quite extraordinary.
And perhaps the most remarkable fact is that the club
This year has seen the departure of controversial chairman Kevin Heaney, who was declared bankrupt, the club face several winding up orders, go into administration and on at least two occasions be just minutes away from being liquidated.
But now with new owners in Truro businessmen Pete Masters and Philip Perryman, City's fans can hopefully contemplate a less fraught new year.
Of course there is still a huge amount of work to be done at Treyew Road, but there is at least now cause for some optimism, even if it would take a near miracle to prevent the club surviving in Blue Square Bet South.
The ten point deduction imposed for the club going into administration is a millstone around the club's hopes of staying up, but all is not yet lost.
If the transfer embargo can be lifted, sooner rather than later, then Lee Hodges and his squad will have half a chance of escaping the drop.
Full credit to Hodges and his painfully small squad for sticking with the club when it would have been much easier to walk away and join much more stable clubs
Without their loyalty and commitment to keeping the club going in such difficult times, the club's demise would have been near certain.
Stewart Yetton has already passed 300 games
That kind of loyalty has also been replicated off the pitch with supporters
And hopefully now that sort of dedication will reap its just rewards in 2013, though of course only time will tell.
But one thing you can be sure of is that it won't be dull.
Heavy rain delays defender's return to Truro City
By Rhod Mitchell This is Cornwall
Truro City's home Boxing Day Blue Square South game against Dorchester Town was called off less than 30 minutes before the scheduled 3pm kick-off after referee Mark Pottage ruled the pitch was unsafe after more heavy rain.
The Dorset official took his decision after another pitch inspection with the rain continuing to belt down.
He said: "There were four areas of standing water and it had got worse in the last 20 minutes after that shower we had at 2pm and I made the decision because of the players' safety and those who were out there warming up agreed with me."
It was the second City game to be called off in succession after last Saturday's trip to leaders Salisbury City also fell victim to the awful weather and they will be now hoping that this Saturday's home match, their last of 2012, against Weston-super-Mare can go ahead.
The postponement delayed the return to Treyew Road of former Torquay United defender Steve Adams, who had been named in the starting line-up.
He "retired" at the end of last season after 118 City appearances and just one goal, but has now agreed to come back and his return is a major boost to City's hopes of avoiding relegation giving manager Hodges more options.
And Hodges, who said he totally agreed with the referee's decision to call off the game, was delighted to have tempted Adams back to the club.
He said: "I am chuffed to bits Steve has come back. I am not saying he will be involved in every game because of his work commitments, but to have his experience back on board is fantastic."
Hodges also paid tribute to the work of City' s Ground Facilities Manager Mark Brent and his helpers for their efforts from 7am onwards to try and ensure the game would go ahead.
He said: " Mark and the others have worked their socks off. It is such a shame, but it would only have taken five to ten minutes for the ball to stop dead in the mud and would have finished off the pitch for the season."
For the Weston-super-Mare game, City will be without Bobby Hopkinson who will, weather permityting, at the third attempt try to serve his one match ban.
But skipper Jake Ash is fit to play after damaging his thumb.
Ash and Marcus Martin need to avoid yellow cards in that game if they are not to share the same fate as Hopkinson and receive a one game suspension.
Truro City's home Boxing Day Blue Square South game against Dorchester Town was called off less than 30 minutes before the scheduled 3pm kick-off after referee Mark Pottage ruled the pitch was unsafe after more heavy rain.
The Dorset official took his decision after another pitch inspection with the rain continuing to belt down.
He said: "There were four areas of standing water and it had got worse in the last 20 minutes after that shower we had at 2pm and I made the decision because of the players' safety and those who were out there warming up agreed with me."
It was the second City game to be called off in succession after last Saturday's trip to leaders Salisbury City also fell victim to the awful weather and they will be now hoping that this Saturday's home match, their last of 2012, against Weston-super-Mare can go ahead.
The postponement delayed the return to Treyew Road of former Torquay United defender Steve Adams, who had been named in the starting line-up.
![]() |
Stevie Adams |
He "retired" at the end of last season after 118 City appearances and just one goal, but has now agreed to come back and his return is a major boost to City's hopes of avoiding relegation giving manager Hodges more options.
And Hodges, who said he totally agreed with the referee's decision to call off the game, was delighted to have tempted Adams back to the club.
He said: "I am chuffed to bits Steve has come back. I am not saying he will be involved in every game because of his work commitments, but to have his experience back on board is fantastic."
Hodges also paid tribute to the work of City' s Ground Facilities Manager Mark Brent and his helpers for their efforts from 7am onwards to try and ensure the game would go ahead.
He said: " Mark and the others have worked their socks off. It is such a shame, but it would only have taken five to ten minutes for the ball to stop dead in the mud and would have finished off the pitch for the season."
For the Weston-super-Mare game, City will be without Bobby Hopkinson who will, weather permityting, at the third attempt try to serve his one match ban.
But skipper Jake Ash is fit to play after damaging his thumb.
Ash and Marcus Martin need to avoid yellow cards in that game if they are not to share the same fate as Hopkinson and receive a one game suspension.
26 December 2012
Next Game: Truro City vs Weston Super Mare Sat 29th Dec KO 3pm
The next game is at home to Weston Super Mare this Saturday 29th December. Kick off is 3pm. Let's hope the weather will be on our side...
Dave Grimshaw will be at the game and will be selling the very latest edition of White Riot edition 4. The front cover shows that hilarious scene at Woking last season when Yettsy took more interest in the pre-match entertainment than his warm up training!
Don't forget the bar is open from 12 noon.
Dave Grimshaw will be at the game and will be selling the very latest edition of White Riot edition 4. The front cover shows that hilarious scene at Woking last season when Yettsy took more interest in the pre-match entertainment than his warm up training!
Don't forget the bar is open from 12 noon.
24 December 2012
Clubhouse entertainment and opening hours Boxing Day
Before, During and After the Truro City v Dorchester game the following has been organised:
BAR opening hours: 12pm - 1am
(Drinks promotion, drinks (beer etc) after the game £2.50)
HOG ROAST in front of the clubhouse during and after the game
DISCO playing a range of music from the 1960's 70's 80's etc after the game and into the evening
RAFFLE - some great prizes have been offered already - drawn in the clubhouse after the game with the legendary Rayvon
p.s. I have inspected the pitch this morning and despite the unbelievable rain over the past day or so (and I know there is more threatened today) the pitch has drained nicely and whilst soft at the moment it is looking good.
Before, During and After the Truro City v Dorchester game the following has been organised:
BAR opening hours: 12pm - 1am
(Drinks promotion, drinks (beer etc) after the game £2.50)
HOG ROAST in front of the clubhouse during and after the game
DISCO playing a range of music from the 1960's 70's 80's etc after the game and into the evening
RAFFLE - some great prizes have been offered already - drawn in the clubhouse after the game with the legendary Rayvon
p.s. I have inspected the pitch this morning and despite the unbelievable rain over the past day or so (and I know there is more threatened today) the pitch has drained nicely and whilst soft at the moment it is looking good.
Mark Brent
Lee Hodges keeps an eye on the weather
Source: Western Morning News
Truro City player-manager Lee Hodges is keeping his fingers that crossed the forecast for more heavy rain does not wash out the Cornish club's Blue Square Bet South Boxing Day home date with Dorchester Town.
Hodges' side and their supporters were saved a wasted journey to Wiltshire on Saturday by Salisbury City officials, who informed Truro that their Raymond McEnhill Stadium pitch was waterlogged and unplayable.
Weather-watching Hodges said: "I got the call at 9am that the game was off. It's common sense when clubs look at the forecast and the pitch early doors, especially because it is a fair old journey for our supporters and the team.
"I was also able to let Barry Hayles know, to prevent him from travelling, and some of the other players who live further afield said they were quite glad it was off because roads to where they lived where flooded, which may have become an issue if the game was on.
"I have looked at the forecast for the days leading up to Boxing Day and it's not the best. We will just have to wait and see, and hope. Everyone at the club wants the game to be on because it's traditional and we are at home."
Hodges will name the same squad that was due to visit Salisbury, with Bobby Hopkinson's outstanding one-match suspension meaning he will miss Wednesday's game, while Jake Ash has more time to overcome a broken finger and should start against the Magpies, weather permitting.
23 December 2012
City Alerts Christmas Special by Mike Truscott
Hello, Everyone
I am attaching today's Truro City Sunday Independent column for those of you who have not already seen it.
Also, following yesterday's match postponement, and truly entering into the spirit of Christmas, I have taken time out to retrieve my Trusty Truscott Crystal Ball, dust it down, and have a look into the not-too-distant future.
Despite the massive problems and challenges confronting the club, the past few months have contained "a number of positives," as they say, culminating in the best Christmas present of all just over a week ago. There has been much to smile about, in contrast to how it all looked just a wee bit earlier when it seemed The Grim Reaper had well and truly arrived.
Okay, there's still a mountain to climb, and there will of course be plenty more setbacks; there's no denying that the threat of relegation looms large.
In the meantime, it's vitally important that all the newfound enthusiasm and support are maintained rather than allowed to go off the boil. To that end, therefore, it's perhaps worth taking a little glimpse into that not-too-distant future - to remind ourselves what can be "just round the corner" again and to keep those spirits up when the going gets really tough.
So . . . as I peered deep into my Crystal Ball, I spotted the following City Alert issued at the end of NEXT season. My only rider is that it is some time since I last consulted said Trusty Ball - it is long overdue for a full service and so the precise details in this Alert should not be regarded as entirely reliable. All the same, the fundamentals can definitely remind us that the really good times can indeed be not too far away once more if we maintain and build on everything that's going for us now.
Mike Truscott, City Alerts
Dateline Treyew Road, 5.15 pm, Saturday, 26th April, 2014
Treyew Road was the scene of wild celebrations today as Truro City received the Blue Square Bet South championship trophy and bid fond farewells to team boss Lee Hodges and legendary striker Stewart Yetton.
The dramas and traumas of the previous season seem like a lifetime ago now - yet it is still only 17 months since the White Tigers were rooted to the bottom of the table, still in administration and 13 points from safety with a threadbare squad. That they eventually managed to stay up must go down as one of the greatest escape acts of modern times - certainly, it merited that memorable mention by Gary Lineker on Match Of The Day.
Then, of course, it all started to happen big-time as that incredible £50,000 leap of faith by Pete and Jason Masters and Philip Perryman bore fruit - and the club they brought back from the dead rose like a rocket-powered Phoenix. With that wretched transfer embargo finally lifted, back came the pick of the exiles during the close season - Barry McConnell, Scott Walker, Martin Gritton, Steve Adams, Adam Kelly, Ben Adlesbury and Arran Pugh.
Together with the return to top form of Martin Watts - TEN terrific Ronaldo-type goals this season - and the further progress of Ben Williams, Kieffer Moore and Calron Hall, it all gave Hodgey what he rightly described as "the dream ticket."
With a squad like that, it was not difficult to start thinking in terms of the league championship.
But who could possibly have imagined that City would also finally break their FA Cup "duck" and go on to reach not only the First but THIRD Round Proper of that famous competition? We will all cherish until our dying days that marvellous Saturday afternoon back in January this year when Pep Guardiola's mighty Manchester City - Messi, Iniesta, Silva, Toure, Tevez, Aguero, Hart et al - graced Treyew Road.
Okay, we were slaughtered 9-1, but who will ever forget that biggest cheer of the whole afternoon, when Watts had Hart beaten all ends up with a trade-mark 75-yard free-kick thunderbolt!
After that dream afternoon, the rest of the season could have been an anti-climax, with maybe even complacency setting in to jeopardise our promotion push. Not a chance! Our final ten-point lead at the top - and today's celebratory scenes, with Tom Trust blasting out "We Are The Champions" - bore testimony to that. What a way to mark the club's 125th anniversary.
How the supporters loved it all as the champagne was sprayed in all directions and a succession of fans' favourites took to the microphone - with every word clearly audible as far away as Truro Cathedral (prompting numerous baffled looks on shoppers' faces), thanks to that superb new PA system installed as one of the many great improvements made by our new owners.
Today's 7-0 win over second-placed Dover Athletic was watched by a record league crowd for Treyew Road of over 3,000. The match had been widely publicised, not least through the half-mile-long poster-cum-flag that Barry Milligan had hung from the Tamar road bridge. And Alex Driver had quickly sold out with his 200-page special souvenir programme.
At the centre of the mass pitch invasion after the final whistle, Chairman Peter Masters first read out a message from Prime Minister Ed Miliband. "Warmest congratulations on coming 'back from the dead' in such spectacular fashion," said Miliband. "Believe me, I know the feeling, and I must say that your new owners represent a much more effective 'coalition' - night club and taxi firm - than a certain other coalition I vaguely recall!"
How the fans lapped that up - but their laughter was quickly drowned out with a fresh rendering of "Who needs Mourinho? We've had Lee Hodgio." That's right - HAD Lee Hodgio. For now here he was, saying his goodbyes to the club, with Chairman Masters reminding everyone: "Again and again, Hodgey has performed miracles for Truro City. With all that he's had to contend with, he must go down as one of the most successful managers in non-League history.
"He has well and truly earned his right to move on up the career ladder and we all wish him the very best in his new role as manager of Plymouth Argyle. The club is lucky to have had him this long. Every manager changes clubs or retires eventually. Even Fergie called it a day last summer and for a while we all feared that Hodgey might even have been recruited to Old Trafford!"
Then it was the turn of Hodgey himself - his hair long since turned totally grey - to take the mike.
After thanking the fans, players and staff for their "incredible support and loyalty," he revealed that Jake Ash would be succeeding him as Truro player-manager, adding: "I know Captain Marvel will do a great job - he's already demonstrated there's not much that he CAN'T do, after all - and I know you will also agree with me that Yetsi deserves his second chance at Football League level.
"As you know, I'm taking him with me to Argyle and I thank him from the bottom of my heart for all his goals this season in particular and for his terrific spirit. What a partnership he and Watto have made. It was cruel when Yettsi sustained that serious knee injury back in October, 2012, just as he was running into the form of his life, and it was no big surprise when he never quite regained that magic when he came back later in that season. But he worked like a Trojan on his fitness throughout last summer, and we have all seen the results this season."
Finally, the spotlight was turned on to big Rhod Mitchell, the sports reporter who has written more words about City than any other scribe over the past 25 years or so. With Jack Murley going into overdrive with his live commentary for BBC Radio Cornwall, Chairman Masters thanked Rhod for all his efforts and wished him well in his forthcoming retirement after 40-odd years with The West Briton.
"You were with Truro City in their leaner years, you covered the Truro City 'revolution' as they roared through the Leagues, you saw them win the FA Vase at Wembley, and now you've chronicled all the well nigh incredible events of the past two or three years," said our Chairman. "You could write a book on all that in your retirement, couldn't you, Rhod?!"
"Err, yes . . . I could . . . " replied Rhod hesitantly, his whole massive frame now drenched from head to toe in champagne sprayed by a rampant Yettsi. "The only trouble is - NOBODY WOULD BELIEVE IT!!"
Cue more laughter, and once this had died down Rhod began to say something else, but alas I could no longer hear him clearly; his voice was fading into the distance in echo fashion. It was being replaced in my throbbing head by an unmistakably hostile voice - a familiar female voice, along with a blurred image of distinctly dragon-like features. Indeed, I became increasingly aware of someone gripping my shoulders, shaking me violently, slapping my face and demanding to know: "WHAT'S THIS EMPTY ******* WHISKY BOTTLE DOING BESIDE YOUR BED?"
Mike Truscott, Editor, City Alerts
I am attaching today's Truro City Sunday Independent column for those of you who have not already seen it.
Also, following yesterday's match postponement, and truly entering into the spirit of Christmas, I have taken time out to retrieve my Trusty Truscott Crystal Ball, dust it down, and have a look into the not-too-distant future.
Despite the massive problems and challenges confronting the club, the past few months have contained "a number of positives," as they say, culminating in the best Christmas present of all just over a week ago. There has been much to smile about, in contrast to how it all looked just a wee bit earlier when it seemed The Grim Reaper had well and truly arrived.
Okay, there's still a mountain to climb, and there will of course be plenty more setbacks; there's no denying that the threat of relegation looms large.
In the meantime, it's vitally important that all the newfound enthusiasm and support are maintained rather than allowed to go off the boil. To that end, therefore, it's perhaps worth taking a little glimpse into that not-too-distant future - to remind ourselves what can be "just round the corner" again and to keep those spirits up when the going gets really tough.
So . . . as I peered deep into my Crystal Ball, I spotted the following City Alert issued at the end of NEXT season. My only rider is that it is some time since I last consulted said Trusty Ball - it is long overdue for a full service and so the precise details in this Alert should not be regarded as entirely reliable. All the same, the fundamentals can definitely remind us that the really good times can indeed be not too far away once more if we maintain and build on everything that's going for us now.
Mike Truscott, City Alerts
Treyew Road was the scene of wild celebrations today as Truro City received the Blue Square Bet South championship trophy and bid fond farewells to team boss Lee Hodges and legendary striker Stewart Yetton.
The dramas and traumas of the previous season seem like a lifetime ago now - yet it is still only 17 months since the White Tigers were rooted to the bottom of the table, still in administration and 13 points from safety with a threadbare squad. That they eventually managed to stay up must go down as one of the greatest escape acts of modern times - certainly, it merited that memorable mention by Gary Lineker on Match Of The Day.
Then, of course, it all started to happen big-time as that incredible £50,000 leap of faith by Pete and Jason Masters and Philip Perryman bore fruit - and the club they brought back from the dead rose like a rocket-powered Phoenix. With that wretched transfer embargo finally lifted, back came the pick of the exiles during the close season - Barry McConnell, Scott Walker, Martin Gritton, Steve Adams, Adam Kelly, Ben Adlesbury and Arran Pugh.
Together with the return to top form of Martin Watts - TEN terrific Ronaldo-type goals this season - and the further progress of Ben Williams, Kieffer Moore and Calron Hall, it all gave Hodgey what he rightly described as "the dream ticket."
With a squad like that, it was not difficult to start thinking in terms of the league championship.
But who could possibly have imagined that City would also finally break their FA Cup "duck" and go on to reach not only the First but THIRD Round Proper of that famous competition? We will all cherish until our dying days that marvellous Saturday afternoon back in January this year when Pep Guardiola's mighty Manchester City - Messi, Iniesta, Silva, Toure, Tevez, Aguero, Hart et al - graced Treyew Road.
Okay, we were slaughtered 9-1, but who will ever forget that biggest cheer of the whole afternoon, when Watts had Hart beaten all ends up with a trade-mark 75-yard free-kick thunderbolt!
After that dream afternoon, the rest of the season could have been an anti-climax, with maybe even complacency setting in to jeopardise our promotion push. Not a chance! Our final ten-point lead at the top - and today's celebratory scenes, with Tom Trust blasting out "We Are The Champions" - bore testimony to that. What a way to mark the club's 125th anniversary.
How the supporters loved it all as the champagne was sprayed in all directions and a succession of fans' favourites took to the microphone - with every word clearly audible as far away as Truro Cathedral (prompting numerous baffled looks on shoppers' faces), thanks to that superb new PA system installed as one of the many great improvements made by our new owners.
Today's 7-0 win over second-placed Dover Athletic was watched by a record league crowd for Treyew Road of over 3,000. The match had been widely publicised, not least through the half-mile-long poster-cum-flag that Barry Milligan had hung from the Tamar road bridge. And Alex Driver had quickly sold out with his 200-page special souvenir programme.
At the centre of the mass pitch invasion after the final whistle, Chairman Peter Masters first read out a message from Prime Minister Ed Miliband. "Warmest congratulations on coming 'back from the dead' in such spectacular fashion," said Miliband. "Believe me, I know the feeling, and I must say that your new owners represent a much more effective 'coalition' - night club and taxi firm - than a certain other coalition I vaguely recall!"
How the fans lapped that up - but their laughter was quickly drowned out with a fresh rendering of "Who needs Mourinho? We've had Lee Hodgio." That's right - HAD Lee Hodgio. For now here he was, saying his goodbyes to the club, with Chairman Masters reminding everyone: "Again and again, Hodgey has performed miracles for Truro City. With all that he's had to contend with, he must go down as one of the most successful managers in non-League history.
"He has well and truly earned his right to move on up the career ladder and we all wish him the very best in his new role as manager of Plymouth Argyle. The club is lucky to have had him this long. Every manager changes clubs or retires eventually. Even Fergie called it a day last summer and for a while we all feared that Hodgey might even have been recruited to Old Trafford!"
Then it was the turn of Hodgey himself - his hair long since turned totally grey - to take the mike.
After thanking the fans, players and staff for their "incredible support and loyalty," he revealed that Jake Ash would be succeeding him as Truro player-manager, adding: "I know Captain Marvel will do a great job - he's already demonstrated there's not much that he CAN'T do, after all - and I know you will also agree with me that Yetsi deserves his second chance at Football League level.
"As you know, I'm taking him with me to Argyle and I thank him from the bottom of my heart for all his goals this season in particular and for his terrific spirit. What a partnership he and Watto have made. It was cruel when Yettsi sustained that serious knee injury back in October, 2012, just as he was running into the form of his life, and it was no big surprise when he never quite regained that magic when he came back later in that season. But he worked like a Trojan on his fitness throughout last summer, and we have all seen the results this season."
Finally, the spotlight was turned on to big Rhod Mitchell, the sports reporter who has written more words about City than any other scribe over the past 25 years or so. With Jack Murley going into overdrive with his live commentary for BBC Radio Cornwall, Chairman Masters thanked Rhod for all his efforts and wished him well in his forthcoming retirement after 40-odd years with The West Briton.
"You were with Truro City in their leaner years, you covered the Truro City 'revolution' as they roared through the Leagues, you saw them win the FA Vase at Wembley, and now you've chronicled all the well nigh incredible events of the past two or three years," said our Chairman. "You could write a book on all that in your retirement, couldn't you, Rhod?!"
"Err, yes . . . I could . . . " replied Rhod hesitantly, his whole massive frame now drenched from head to toe in champagne sprayed by a rampant Yettsi. "The only trouble is - NOBODY WOULD BELIEVE IT!!"
Cue more laughter, and once this had died down Rhod began to say something else, but alas I could no longer hear him clearly; his voice was fading into the distance in echo fashion. It was being replaced in my throbbing head by an unmistakably hostile voice - a familiar female voice, along with a blurred image of distinctly dragon-like features. Indeed, I became increasingly aware of someone gripping my shoulders, shaking me violently, slapping my face and demanding to know: "WHAT'S THIS EMPTY ******* WHISKY BOTTLE DOING BESIDE YOUR BED?"
Mike Truscott, Editor, City Alerts
22 December 2012
White Riot Issue 4 fanzine Out Now!
White Issue 4 is out now, just in time for Christmas. 48 pages full of fun and frolics experienced by us Truro City fans. New to issue 4, coloured photos inside the fanzine as well inside of black and white. A nice touch.
Featured in Issue 4, TISA crew trip to Leeds v West Ham weekend, Jacopo's last trip to Blighty for Porthleven v Truro City Reserves game, Snowys article on ticket tout experiences, Essex Mark's match day top ten tunes, Danny/Tom/Glen/Popey/JT trip to the Ukraine for the Sweden v England game, Dave and Danny's trip to Chelmsford away, article on sitting/standing at footie, Player profile - Barry Hayles, Fan profile - Dave Grimshaw, Article on football clubs that time forgot. Fans footie team - AFC Truro, Football costs in lower league, Grimmers music article on local band - Ten Bob Notes. All this for two quid.
Please seek out Dave Grimshaw for a copy before they are sold. Postal orders can be achieved by contacting with paypal, add 50p for p+p.
Salisbury game cancelled
The game at Salisbury today has been cancelled due to waterlogged pich.
20 December 2012
City Alerts - Ground clarification
Following some reports you may have seen today, I have just checked with Peter Masters and so far as he is aware, the Truro City ground has NOT been sold.
I checked because I had not seen anything to this effect, including in the Helical Bar statement we put out this morning. Peter reaffirmed his understanding that Helical Bar have the OPTION to buy the land, along with "the agreement to assess" future development, as outlined in this morning's statement.
Mike Truscott, City Alerts
City Alerts - Treyew Road ground update
Peter Masters, Chairman, Truro City Football Club 2012 Limited, has received the following press release from Helical Bar regarding the Treyew Road ground:--
"Helical Bar can confirm that it has entered into an agreement with Jojo Investco Limited ("JIL") to assess the possible future redevelopment of the Truro City football club site. JIL acquired the site earlier this year from Cornish Properties Limited.
"The Club itself has now been bought out of administration by a newco owned by Pete Masters and Phil Perryman. Helical Bar recognise the bold steps taken by Mr Masters and Mr Perryman to save the Club from its recent difficulties, and look forward to an open and positive dialogue with them. Fundamental to that dialogue will be the need to secure the long future for Truro City football Club in Truro, and to reflect the Clubs widespread aspiration to grow and develop grass roots football for the community. This will involve full consultation with all interested parties about various issues, including possible alternative Football Ground for the Club.
"Helical Bar recognise the determination of Mr Masters and Mr Perryman to conduct the affairs of the Club in an open and positive fashion, and to ensure that the previous lack of transparency about various aspects of the Club, including the ownership of the Treyew Road land, is not repeated in the future.
"There will be a further announcement early in the New Year."
Initial comment from Peter: "We have had positive discussions with representatives of Helical Bar PLC as to the way forward to benefit the Club but it's still early days. Both Philip and I will continue to be transparent in all our dealings both on and off the Pitch as matters develop. We can say the future for Truro City Football Club and it loyal supporters looks a lot brighter today than it did on Friday 19th October 2012."
"Helical Bar can confirm that it has entered into an agreement with Jojo Investco Limited ("JIL") to assess the possible future redevelopment of the Truro City football club site. JIL acquired the site earlier this year from Cornish Properties Limited.
"The Club itself has now been bought out of administration by a newco owned by Pete Masters and Phil Perryman. Helical Bar recognise the bold steps taken by Mr Masters and Mr Perryman to save the Club from its recent difficulties, and look forward to an open and positive dialogue with them. Fundamental to that dialogue will be the need to secure the long future for Truro City football Club in Truro, and to reflect the Clubs widespread aspiration to grow and develop grass roots football for the community. This will involve full consultation with all interested parties about various issues, including possible alternative Football Ground for the Club.
"Helical Bar recognise the determination of Mr Masters and Mr Perryman to conduct the affairs of the Club in an open and positive fashion, and to ensure that the previous lack of transparency about various aspects of the Club, including the ownership of the Treyew Road land, is not repeated in the future.
"There will be a further announcement early in the New Year."
Initial comment from Peter: "We have had positive discussions with representatives of Helical Bar PLC as to the way forward to benefit the Club but it's still early days. Both Philip and I will continue to be transparent in all our dealings both on and off the Pitch as matters develop. We can say the future for Truro City Football Club and it loyal supporters looks a lot brighter today than it did on Friday 19th October 2012."
19 December 2012
City Alerts - First off the Mark!
From Peter Masters, Chairman, Truro City Football Club 2012 Limited:
"Following our urgent plea for volunteers earlier this week, we are delighted to announce the first official appointment under the club's new ownership. He is Mark Brent, who has taken up the post of Ground Facilities Manager. He is now in charge of all aspects relating to the maintenance of the pitch/ground etc and, as a club official, is entitled to represent Truro City at both home and away games.
"Mark will now set about building his own team to support him in his various tasks He is already well known to many of you, of course, and is very much Truro City through and through. During the crisis period, he made a big impression on us as a guy who kept his head down and just got on with the job of looking after that pitch! And we have all seen the results - what a brilliant job he has done of it, despite some truly appalling weather.
"As I explained earlier this week, we now urgently need volunteers to assist in the various duties involved with running the club - for example, Match Day Manager, Commercial Manager, Safety Officer, Players' Kit Manager, Ground Stewards, Car Park Stewards, Cleaners, First Aider.
"So here's hoping Mark can be the first of many who will rally to the cause. If anyone feels they can help with any of these duties - or have any other ideas for assisting - then please don't be shy! Please call in at the clubhouse, which is now open every day, Monday to Friday 5pm to 11pm, Saturday/Sunday, 12 noon until late. Or email me personally -
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The new Ground Facilities Manager pictured at Havant & Waterlooville last year |
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and with Snowy. |
"Following our urgent plea for volunteers earlier this week, we are delighted to announce the first official appointment under the club's new ownership. He is Mark Brent, who has taken up the post of Ground Facilities Manager. He is now in charge of all aspects relating to the maintenance of the pitch/ground etc and, as a club official, is entitled to represent Truro City at both home and away games.
"Mark will now set about building his own team to support him in his various tasks He is already well known to many of you, of course, and is very much Truro City through and through. During the crisis period, he made a big impression on us as a guy who kept his head down and just got on with the job of looking after that pitch! And we have all seen the results - what a brilliant job he has done of it, despite some truly appalling weather.
"As I explained earlier this week, we now urgently need volunteers to assist in the various duties involved with running the club - for example, Match Day Manager, Commercial Manager, Safety Officer, Players' Kit Manager, Ground Stewards, Car Park Stewards, Cleaners, First Aider.
"So here's hoping Mark can be the first of many who will rally to the cause. If anyone feels they can help with any of these duties - or have any other ideas for assisting - then please don't be shy! Please call in at the clubhouse, which is now open every day, Monday to Friday 5pm to 11pm, Saturday/Sunday, 12 noon until late. Or email me personally -
AFC Truro five-a-side win again
Truro City's ameteur evening five side set-up won again on Monday night - two wins on the bounce and now they become THE form side! Players include Joss Hawkins, Tom Birch, Sam Jose, Jacob Englefield, Lee Grimshaw, Johnross Medlyn, Liam Patterson and Dave Grimshaw (manager). Anyone else keen to play, please contact Dave Grimshaw 07889 787062.
17 December 2012
Truro City FC Visitor and Away Fans Information
Thanks to greedy businessmen. developers and sycophantic 'volunteers' we now play all our home games at Bolitho Park, the home of Plymouth Parkway.
Bolitho Park
St Peters Road
Don't forget to shed a tear for our club while you're there.
St Peters Road
Don't forget to shed a tear for our club while you're there.
Your club needs you - a plea from Pete Masters
STATEMENT from Peter Masters, Chairman, Truro City Football Club 2012 Limited:
"Now for the hard bit! I am sure we have all been immensely relieved at the conclusion of the deal to acquire and keep alive Truro City football club, but I need hardly remind you that the battle is far from over. We still face a mountainous task to get the club back on a sound and sustainable financial footing - and then to drive forward and develop the sort of club, and all its spin-off activities, that we all want to see.
"That means three things in particular - 1) more pairs of hands turning to the task of helping the club - NOW; 2) developing a host of new income streams; 3) as part and parcel of this, establishing Truro City, just as soon as possible, as very much a COMMUNITY football club.
"Without putting too fine a point on it, we are talking about a minor revolution for the club! I would like to think that we are only months away from creating at Treyew Road a vibrant mini-community that will be virtually unrecognizable from what has been the picture here for so long now.
"That is not to take anything away from the club's historic achievements on the field of play over the past decade, which have been quite remarkable by any standards. But the plain and simple fact is that the current structure of the club is wholly inadequate and unsustainable - and falling pitifully short in terms of its potential to generate vastly increased income and to become a great facility for the community at large.
"So that, in a nutshell, is what we are setting out to do, as of now. But we need YOUR support, practical support, rightaway. Believe me, we are bursting with ideas for those twin objectives of new income streams and much greater community involvement, and we will be keeping you all informed by publicizing these as and when they progress.
"But there will always be room for a great many more ideas and so we will warmly welcome any proposals of your own - PLEASE do not be backward in coming forward in this respect! Over the past two months, Philip and I have got to know many of the club's supporters and we have been left in no doubt just how passionately you all care about this great club and its future. We know many of you will have plenty of ideas of your own about the way forward. So please let's hear from you - feel very welcome to email me with any suggestions at
"Even more pressingly, however, we now urgently need volunteers to assist in the various duties involved with running the club - for example, Match Day Manager, Commercial Manager, Safety Officer, Players' Kit Manager, Ground Stewards, Car Park Stewards, Cleaners, Ground Maintenance, First Aider.
"If anyone feels they can help with any of these duties, please call in at the Club. NB The clubhouse will now be open every day, Monday to Friday 5pm to 11pm, Saturday/Sunday, 12 noon until late.
"Finally, let's all of us not forget the absolute paramount need to raise the attendance figures for home matches. Of course we all want to maintain as high a standard of football as we possibly can at Treyew Road, but the inescapable fact is that to do so involves substantial expenditure . . . in historically difficult economic times.
"The harsh reality is that the requirement - for football of the present standard at Treyew Road - is gates averaging around 500, and we are a long way short of that at the moment, of course. So . . . let's all make it our New Year's Resolution to introduce at least one new "regular" supporter to the club. That would make a huge difference!
"Here's wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year, and with heartfelt thanks for all the support, friendship and encouragement we have received from you all these last two very challenging months. And now, quite literally - onwards and upwards."
Mike Truscott, City Alerts
STATEMENT from Peter Masters, Chairman, Truro City Football Club 2012 Limited:
"Now for the hard bit! I am sure we have all been immensely relieved at the conclusion of the deal to acquire and keep alive Truro City football club, but I need hardly remind you that the battle is far from over. We still face a mountainous task to get the club back on a sound and sustainable financial footing - and then to drive forward and develop the sort of club, and all its spin-off activities, that we all want to see.
"That means three things in particular - 1) more pairs of hands turning to the task of helping the club - NOW; 2) developing a host of new income streams; 3) as part and parcel of this, establishing Truro City, just as soon as possible, as very much a COMMUNITY football club.
"Without putting too fine a point on it, we are talking about a minor revolution for the club! I would like to think that we are only months away from creating at Treyew Road a vibrant mini-community that will be virtually unrecognizable from what has been the picture here for so long now.
"That is not to take anything away from the club's historic achievements on the field of play over the past decade, which have been quite remarkable by any standards. But the plain and simple fact is that the current structure of the club is wholly inadequate and unsustainable - and falling pitifully short in terms of its potential to generate vastly increased income and to become a great facility for the community at large.
"So that, in a nutshell, is what we are setting out to do, as of now. But we need YOUR support, practical support, rightaway. Believe me, we are bursting with ideas for those twin objectives of new income streams and much greater community involvement, and we will be keeping you all informed by publicizing these as and when they progress.
"But there will always be room for a great many more ideas and so we will warmly welcome any proposals of your own - PLEASE do not be backward in coming forward in this respect! Over the past two months, Philip and I have got to know many of the club's supporters and we have been left in no doubt just how passionately you all care about this great club and its future. We know many of you will have plenty of ideas of your own about the way forward. So please let's hear from you - feel very welcome to email me with any suggestions at
"Even more pressingly, however, we now urgently need volunteers to assist in the various duties involved with running the club - for example, Match Day Manager, Commercial Manager, Safety Officer, Players' Kit Manager, Ground Stewards, Car Park Stewards, Cleaners, Ground Maintenance, First Aider.
"If anyone feels they can help with any of these duties, please call in at the Club. NB The clubhouse will now be open every day, Monday to Friday 5pm to 11pm, Saturday/Sunday, 12 noon until late.
"Finally, let's all of us not forget the absolute paramount need to raise the attendance figures for home matches. Of course we all want to maintain as high a standard of football as we possibly can at Treyew Road, but the inescapable fact is that to do so involves substantial expenditure . . . in historically difficult economic times.
"The harsh reality is that the requirement - for football of the present standard at Treyew Road - is gates averaging around 500, and we are a long way short of that at the moment, of course. So . . . let's all make it our New Year's Resolution to introduce at least one new "regular" supporter to the club. That would make a huge difference!
"Here's wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year, and with heartfelt thanks for all the support, friendship and encouragement we have received from you all these last two very challenging months. And now, quite literally - onwards and upwards."
Mike Truscott, City Alerts
City Alerts - Lee's view on Maidenhead game
LEE'S VIEW on City 0 Maidenhead United 1:
"It was a relegation dogfight and obviously a very disappointing result for us, especially after the great news late on Friday night. With everything going on, it was all just too good to be true in the end in terms of rounding it all off with a win on the pitch.
"We started really well - came out of the blocks flying in the first ten to 15 minutes - and we were really positive. Sometimes you look at refereeing decisions and you realise just what massive game-changers they can potentially be. I spoke to the referee about the yellow card for the guy who brought down Andy Watkins when he was clear and he said it was only a yellow because the ball was running through to the goalkeeper - but Andy said the ball was at his feet.
"It was also a tough pitch. Mark Brent does an absolutely amazing job to get the pitch in such good condition, after all the rain, but understandably it was still heavy and hard to play on. In conditions like that, it's bound to become more of a 50-50 scrap and less of the quick-flowing football that's our style.
"Whatever the reason, we were ultimately just not at it on Saturday. I hold my hands up personally; I didn't have the best game in the world. As for the goal, the ball took a flick off my head and it probably would have been better if I hadn't managed to reach it, because the flick put Luke out of position. Generally, whereas we have been nice and compact in recent weeks, we lacked that on Saturday.
"Lady Luck was against us, too, with Andy Watkins striking the post and no-one there for the rebound, and then a fantastic save by their goalkeeper to keep out a deflected shot. It seems our opponents are all performing to the highest levels at the moment to stop us getting anything - but that's no excuse, that's what the game is all about, of course. Plus we've just gone three games running without scoring, even though we've been making chances, and I can't ever remember that happening before. So all told it was very disappointing, but we'll pick ourselves up and we'll go to Salisbury in a very positive frame of mind."
No doubt most of you will have seen the lengthy interviews that PETER MASTERS has given to Dave Deacon/Piran Films - -
and the media, following Friday's completion of the sale of the club. Peter has asked me to emphasise that as of now Truro City is very much a community football club and that "we are looking for volunteers to assist in the various duties involved with running the club, for example players kit manager etc." Watch out for a dedicated City Alert on this topic later in the week.
By Mike Truscott
"It was a relegation dogfight and obviously a very disappointing result for us, especially after the great news late on Friday night. With everything going on, it was all just too good to be true in the end in terms of rounding it all off with a win on the pitch.
"We started really well - came out of the blocks flying in the first ten to 15 minutes - and we were really positive. Sometimes you look at refereeing decisions and you realise just what massive game-changers they can potentially be. I spoke to the referee about the yellow card for the guy who brought down Andy Watkins when he was clear and he said it was only a yellow because the ball was running through to the goalkeeper - but Andy said the ball was at his feet.
"It was also a tough pitch. Mark Brent does an absolutely amazing job to get the pitch in such good condition, after all the rain, but understandably it was still heavy and hard to play on. In conditions like that, it's bound to become more of a 50-50 scrap and less of the quick-flowing football that's our style.
"Whatever the reason, we were ultimately just not at it on Saturday. I hold my hands up personally; I didn't have the best game in the world. As for the goal, the ball took a flick off my head and it probably would have been better if I hadn't managed to reach it, because the flick put Luke out of position. Generally, whereas we have been nice and compact in recent weeks, we lacked that on Saturday.
"Lady Luck was against us, too, with Andy Watkins striking the post and no-one there for the rebound, and then a fantastic save by their goalkeeper to keep out a deflected shot. It seems our opponents are all performing to the highest levels at the moment to stop us getting anything - but that's no excuse, that's what the game is all about, of course. Plus we've just gone three games running without scoring, even though we've been making chances, and I can't ever remember that happening before. So all told it was very disappointing, but we'll pick ourselves up and we'll go to Salisbury in a very positive frame of mind."
No doubt most of you will have seen the lengthy interviews that PETER MASTERS has given to Dave Deacon/Piran Films - -
and the media, following Friday's completion of the sale of the club. Peter has asked me to emphasise that as of now Truro City is very much a community football club and that "we are looking for volunteers to assist in the various duties involved with running the club, for example players kit manager etc." Watch out for a dedicated City Alert on this topic later in the week.
By Mike Truscott
16 December 2012
City suffer damaging defeat in relegation battle
By Rhod Mitchell LINK
Truro City 0 Maidenhead United 1
Perhaps it was too much too hope for that City could complete a great 24 hours with a victory.
The news released late on Friday night that the club
had been bought by local businessmen Peter Masters and Philip Perryman was the best possible Christmas present for City's long suffering supporters.
And the return of Barry Hayles from St Albans to lead the home attack also added to the expectations at Treyew Road.
But Maidenhead played the role of The Grinch to perfection, collecting three deserved points thanks to an Alex Wall goal
early in the second half.
City, as manager Lee Hodges admitted after the game
, "huffed and puffed" but were at far from their best in what was a crucial relegation "six pointer" against a Maidenhead team who had won just one of their last ten matches.
Defensively City were poor, especially in the first half, when only some great saves by Luke McCormick and a terrible miss by Wall saw the teams
go in a 0-0 at half time.
But it took Maidenhead, who beat City 8-0 earlier in the season, just seven minutes of the second half to take the lead with Wall making up for his earlier miss by taking advantage of some ineffectual Truro defending to beat McCormick to the ball before finding the empty net from the edge of the box.
The goal at least sparked Truro in action and it needed a brilliant diving save from Jesse Jorongen to keep out Jake Ash's deflected cross range effort from a Les Afful strike, while Andy Watkins hit the woodwork.
Maidenhead though threatened a second goal on several occasions, with substitute Kevin Bossman denied by McCormick in the final minute when clean through as a deflated City were left to contemplate their 11th and possibly most damaging defeat of the season.
City now have to regroup ahead of Saturday's trip to leaders Salisbury City.
TRURO CITY: McCormick; Hopkinson, Ash (capt), Hodges, Williams; Cooke, Broad, Martin, Afful (Moore 85); Watkins, Hayles (Watts 63). Subs (not used): Carne, Hall.
MAIDENHEAD UNITED: Jorongen; Solomon, Behzadi, Nisbet (capt) (Semakula 60), Kanyuka, Mawson, Flood, Brown, Wall (Bossman 77), Pratt (Henry 90), Pritchard. Sub (not used): Lumley.
: Wall (52) 0-1.
Half time 0-0
Referee: Adrian Quelch (New Milton)
Attendance: 364.
Truro City 0 Maidenhead United 1
Perhaps it was too much too hope for that City could complete a great 24 hours with a victory.
The news released late on Friday night that the club
And the return of Barry Hayles from St Albans to lead the home attack also added to the expectations at Treyew Road.
But Maidenhead played the role of The Grinch to perfection, collecting three deserved points thanks to an Alex Wall goal
City, as manager Lee Hodges admitted after the game
Defensively City were poor, especially in the first half, when only some great saves by Luke McCormick and a terrible miss by Wall saw the teams
But it took Maidenhead, who beat City 8-0 earlier in the season, just seven minutes of the second half to take the lead with Wall making up for his earlier miss by taking advantage of some ineffectual Truro defending to beat McCormick to the ball before finding the empty net from the edge of the box.
The goal at least sparked Truro in action and it needed a brilliant diving save from Jesse Jorongen to keep out Jake Ash's deflected cross range effort from a Les Afful strike, while Andy Watkins hit the woodwork.
Maidenhead though threatened a second goal on several occasions, with substitute Kevin Bossman denied by McCormick in the final minute when clean through as a deflated City were left to contemplate their 11th and possibly most damaging defeat of the season.
City now have to regroup ahead of Saturday's trip to leaders Salisbury City.
TRURO CITY: McCormick; Hopkinson, Ash (capt), Hodges, Williams; Cooke, Broad, Martin, Afful (Moore 85); Watkins, Hayles (Watts 63). Subs (not used): Carne, Hall.
MAIDENHEAD UNITED: Jorongen; Solomon, Behzadi, Nisbet (capt) (Semakula 60), Kanyuka, Mawson, Flood, Brown, Wall (Bossman 77), Pratt (Henry 90), Pritchard. Sub (not used): Lumley.
Half time 0-0
Referee: Adrian Quelch (New Milton)
Attendance: 364.
15 December 2012
Barry Hayles is back to aid Truro City's escape bid
Source: This is Cornwall
Truro City player
manager Lee Hodges has expressed his delight at signing veteran striker Barry Hayles on the eve of today's Blue Square Bet South home clash against Maidenhead United (3pm).
The 40-year-old former Plymouth Argyle striker is set to return to the Truro squad after a spell at Southern League Premier side St Albans City.
Hodges said: "Barry is coming back to help us out. It's a massive boost and has really lifted me and I am sure all the fans and the players will be the same once they get to hear Baz is back. He will come straight into the squad and hopefully will have a big part to play in the game."
Try as he might, Hodges cannot play down the significance of today's match
against Maidenhead.
Transfer-embargoed Truro are bottom of the 22-team Conference South table following a ten-point deduction for entering administration. Third-from-bottom Maidenhead are on 18 points, ten ahead of Truro.
A recent upturn in City form – including last week's eye-catching goalless draw at fourth placed Boreham Wood – has got more Cornish football fans
talking about Truro's "great escape" bid.
Today's match could prove pivotal if it goes ahead, weather-permitting. Allied to back-to-back home wins before a recent 3-0 loss to promotion favourites Dover, Truro's form has delighted 39-year-old central defender Hodges.
On the eve of today's big game, Hodges said: "We kicked off the month with the 2-0 home win over Tonbridge, had the loss to Dover and then last week's goalless draw at Boreham Wood last Saturday.
"The performances have been really pleasing and what has really given me hope is that in two of those games we have kept two clean sheets.
"We had to battle for the win against Tonbridge, deserved more against Dover and I think the result was just about right at Tonbridge last week, although there would have been few arguments if we had won."
Hodges – who waits on the fitness
of target man Kieffer Moore but welcomes back defender Calron Hall – said: "I could try and play down the importance of the game but I have got to admit ever since Tuesday all I have been able to do is think about this Maidenhead game. Whichever way you look at it – and I keep looking at the league table – it is a massive game for us.
"There are a so many 'ifs' involved in this one and all the clichés come rolling out but I keep thinking if we were to get three points then it closes the gap down to seven points."
Truro City player
The 40-year-old former Plymouth Argyle striker is set to return to the Truro squad after a spell at Southern League Premier side St Albans City.
Hodges said: "Barry is coming back to help us out. It's a massive boost and has really lifted me and I am sure all the fans and the players will be the same once they get to hear Baz is back. He will come straight into the squad and hopefully will have a big part to play in the game."
Try as he might, Hodges cannot play down the significance of today's match
Transfer-embargoed Truro are bottom of the 22-team Conference South table following a ten-point deduction for entering administration. Third-from-bottom Maidenhead are on 18 points, ten ahead of Truro.
A recent upturn in City form – including last week's eye-catching goalless draw at fourth placed Boreham Wood – has got more Cornish football fans
Today's match could prove pivotal if it goes ahead, weather-permitting. Allied to back-to-back home wins before a recent 3-0 loss to promotion favourites Dover, Truro's form has delighted 39-year-old central defender Hodges.
On the eve of today's big game, Hodges said: "We kicked off the month with the 2-0 home win over Tonbridge, had the loss to Dover and then last week's goalless draw at Boreham Wood last Saturday.
"The performances have been really pleasing and what has really given me hope is that in two of those games we have kept two clean sheets.
"We had to battle for the win against Tonbridge, deserved more against Dover and I think the result was just about right at Tonbridge last week, although there would have been few arguments if we had won."
Hodges – who waits on the fitness
"There are a so many 'ifs' involved in this one and all the clichés come rolling out but I keep thinking if we were to get three points then it closes the gap down to seven points."
Statement from Pete Masters, joint shareholder of TCFC
Peter Masters joint shareholder of Truro City Football Club 2012 Limited, the buyer of Truro City FC commented:
"On Friday 19th October 2012 myself and Philip lodged a £50,000 performance bond with the Football Conference without due diligence saving the Club from certain liquidation. We are pleased that we have now completed the purchase of Truro City FC. It has been a long past few weeks but all of the efforts put in by everyone involved has been tireless and has culminated in the completion of the purchase of the club.
"We can all now look forward as opposed to looking back trying to rectify the issues that the club has accumulated in the past. This is our new start and we are excited for the club because the financial troubles that the club has had in the past can now be forgotten.
There is still a lot of hard work to be done in terms of concluding a CVA so that the regulatory requirements can be completed so as to comply with Football Conference Rules and we still need the support of the creditors in this respect but the club is now under our control so that we can work towards a more certain future.
"The players have been terrific from the start of our involvement and we fully expect that relationship to continue now that we own the club. They have had to make some big sacrifices for the club which were done in an effort to save the club which has been successful and for that we are very grateful.
"We would like to say a very big thank you to Dale Band and his team at Nalders Solicitors, Ian Fraser and his team at Bishop Fleming Accountants who can both take a great deal of credit for why Truro City Football Club is alive and kicking today. We would also like to thank the administrator, Kate Breese of Walsh Taylor who has done a great job conducting the administration.
"We now have a fantastic opportunity of a home game just after completion to get a buzz back and three much needed points at Treyew Road so we hope that as many fans both old and new can join us for this new era for the club."
"On Friday 19th October 2012 myself and Philip lodged a £50,000 performance bond with the Football Conference without due diligence saving the Club from certain liquidation. We are pleased that we have now completed the purchase of Truro City FC. It has been a long past few weeks but all of the efforts put in by everyone involved has been tireless and has culminated in the completion of the purchase of the club.
"We can all now look forward as opposed to looking back trying to rectify the issues that the club has accumulated in the past. This is our new start and we are excited for the club because the financial troubles that the club has had in the past can now be forgotten.
There is still a lot of hard work to be done in terms of concluding a CVA so that the regulatory requirements can be completed so as to comply with Football Conference Rules and we still need the support of the creditors in this respect but the club is now under our control so that we can work towards a more certain future.
"The players have been terrific from the start of our involvement and we fully expect that relationship to continue now that we own the club. They have had to make some big sacrifices for the club which were done in an effort to save the club which has been successful and for that we are very grateful.
"We would like to say a very big thank you to Dale Band and his team at Nalders Solicitors, Ian Fraser and his team at Bishop Fleming Accountants who can both take a great deal of credit for why Truro City Football Club is alive and kicking today. We would also like to thank the administrator, Kate Breese of Walsh Taylor who has done a great job conducting the administration.
"We now have a fantastic opportunity of a home game just after completion to get a buzz back and three much needed points at Treyew Road so we hope that as many fans both old and new can join us for this new era for the club."
City Alerts - Club is now sold
Statement from Kate Breese, Club Administrator:
The sale of Truro City football club has been completed. Peter Masters and Philip Perryman are the new owners. This has been confirmed to me by club secretary Tracey Finemore. The administrators have issued a lengthy statement, which I have not officially received but which reads as follows according to Rhod Mitchell and Jack Murley, who I think can be regarded as "reliable sources!"
"Kate Breese of Walsh Taylor and administrator of Truro City Football Club Limited makes the following statement on the completion of the sale of the business and assets of the club to Truro City Football Club 2012 Limited, a company owned by Peter Masters and Philip Perryman:
"I am delighted to announce that after over three months since Truro City FC entered administration, a sale has now completed which transfers the club's business to a company owned by Peter Masters and Philip Perryman. I would like to thank everyone associated with the club for their patience and support whilst a deal has been agreed to safeguard the club's future. There have been a number of particularly complex issues surrounding the sale of the club, including issues over the ground at Treyew Road and due diligence relating to the club, but we have now resolved these matters so that a sale could complete. There has been a huge effort involved to save Truro City FC and to that extent I thank all the professionals involved in not only running the club, but pulling together a sale, with particular efforts from my colleague Gareth Howarth of Walsh Taylor, my lawyer James Moore of Walker Morris, and Dale Band and Rebecca Rollinson of Nalders who acted for the purchaser.
"I would like to show my appreciation to the players and staff who without their support we would not have been able to trade whilst in administration. Upon taking the appointment as administrator, I had to have an initial meeting with the players and staff to explain the position and ask for their support through wage deferrals and they have been fantastic in that respect. The goodwill they have shown towards the club has been crucial to the completion of this sale and I'd like to give a big thank you to them for that support. The players and staff have had a lot of uncertainty over recent history and I hope that the support that they have shown for the club will now pay off for them now that the club has been sold. I would like to pay particular note to the efforts of Lee Hodges as manager who has been another crucial member of staff in keeping the players together over a very difficult period and Tracey Finemore who has given a fantastic effort as Club Secretary to assi st with day-to-day running of the club whilst in administration.
"Although a sale has now completed, the company voluntary arrangement (CVA) that is required to be passed in order to ensure that the club can exit administration in accordance with The Football Conference Rules has not yet been issued. This is expected to be issued in the near future following which it is hoped that the club will be able to formally exit administration in accordance with the requirements of The Football Conference. If that happens and the CVA is accepted by the requisite majority of creditors, then if the team are able to secure safety from relegation on the field, the club should then be able to retain its status as a Football Conference Club and begin a new life under new leadership. I add that during my time as administrator of Truro City FC, it has become clear that in order for the club to survive at this level it needs the support of the fans to turn out in numbers at homes games and I would hope that fan support can secure the long term future of T ruro City FC. But with this in mind, I would like to show my upmost appreciation to all of the volunteer support which has been another vital part of the club's survival, particularly during the early days of the administration whether with the work in the bar, stewarding, catering, preparation of the pitch or general matchday assistance. The background support is a great credit to the club.
"Great strides have been made by the club over the past few months. The club was in a dire position upon my appointment as administrator on 4 September 2012 with minimal streams of revenue and an over bearing wage bill. The club is now operating on a much more even keel.
"My involvement with the club will continue for a period of time which will depend upon the terms of the CVA when it is issued but this will be in a background role. My involvement in running the club on a day to day basis has now ended upon the completion of the sale agreement. My final thank you goes to the fans and people of Truro who have shown a great deal of support during my time as administrator. The city should be proud of its warm culture and I am very grateful for all of the support to date. The nature of a football administration requires the input of a number of different parties which takes time but at all times it has been my primary objective to save Truro City FC and pass it onto a suitable buyer which this sale does and it is with that end objective and achievement in mind that I am very pleased for the club and city as a whole in making this announcement.
"Best wishes to everyone involved with Truro City FC and I hope that this new start for the club is a successful and rewarding one."
The sale of Truro City football club has been completed. Peter Masters and Philip Perryman are the new owners. This has been confirmed to me by club secretary Tracey Finemore. The administrators have issued a lengthy statement, which I have not officially received but which reads as follows according to Rhod Mitchell and Jack Murley, who I think can be regarded as "reliable sources!"
"Kate Breese of Walsh Taylor and administrator of Truro City Football Club Limited makes the following statement on the completion of the sale of the business and assets of the club to Truro City Football Club 2012 Limited, a company owned by Peter Masters and Philip Perryman:
"I am delighted to announce that after over three months since Truro City FC entered administration, a sale has now completed which transfers the club's business to a company owned by Peter Masters and Philip Perryman. I would like to thank everyone associated with the club for their patience and support whilst a deal has been agreed to safeguard the club's future. There have been a number of particularly complex issues surrounding the sale of the club, including issues over the ground at Treyew Road and due diligence relating to the club, but we have now resolved these matters so that a sale could complete. There has been a huge effort involved to save Truro City FC and to that extent I thank all the professionals involved in not only running the club, but pulling together a sale, with particular efforts from my colleague Gareth Howarth of Walsh Taylor, my lawyer James Moore of Walker Morris, and Dale Band and Rebecca Rollinson of Nalders who acted for the purchaser.
"I would like to show my appreciation to the players and staff who without their support we would not have been able to trade whilst in administration. Upon taking the appointment as administrator, I had to have an initial meeting with the players and staff to explain the position and ask for their support through wage deferrals and they have been fantastic in that respect. The goodwill they have shown towards the club has been crucial to the completion of this sale and I'd like to give a big thank you to them for that support. The players and staff have had a lot of uncertainty over recent history and I hope that the support that they have shown for the club will now pay off for them now that the club has been sold. I would like to pay particular note to the efforts of Lee Hodges as manager who has been another crucial member of staff in keeping the players together over a very difficult period and Tracey Finemore who has given a fantastic effort as Club Secretary to assi st with day-to-day running of the club whilst in administration.
"Although a sale has now completed, the company voluntary arrangement (CVA) that is required to be passed in order to ensure that the club can exit administration in accordance with The Football Conference Rules has not yet been issued. This is expected to be issued in the near future following which it is hoped that the club will be able to formally exit administration in accordance with the requirements of The Football Conference. If that happens and the CVA is accepted by the requisite majority of creditors, then if the team are able to secure safety from relegation on the field, the club should then be able to retain its status as a Football Conference Club and begin a new life under new leadership. I add that during my time as administrator of Truro City FC, it has become clear that in order for the club to survive at this level it needs the support of the fans to turn out in numbers at homes games and I would hope that fan support can secure the long term future of T ruro City FC. But with this in mind, I would like to show my upmost appreciation to all of the volunteer support which has been another vital part of the club's survival, particularly during the early days of the administration whether with the work in the bar, stewarding, catering, preparation of the pitch or general matchday assistance. The background support is a great credit to the club.
"Great strides have been made by the club over the past few months. The club was in a dire position upon my appointment as administrator on 4 September 2012 with minimal streams of revenue and an over bearing wage bill. The club is now operating on a much more even keel.
"My involvement with the club will continue for a period of time which will depend upon the terms of the CVA when it is issued but this will be in a background role. My involvement in running the club on a day to day basis has now ended upon the completion of the sale agreement. My final thank you goes to the fans and people of Truro who have shown a great deal of support during my time as administrator. The city should be proud of its warm culture and I am very grateful for all of the support to date. The nature of a football administration requires the input of a number of different parties which takes time but at all times it has been my primary objective to save Truro City FC and pass it onto a suitable buyer which this sale does and it is with that end objective and achievement in mind that I am very pleased for the club and city as a whole in making this announcement.
"Best wishes to everyone involved with Truro City FC and I hope that this new start for the club is a successful and rewarding one."
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